Mother Knows Best: 5 Famous Moms in Pop-Culture

Mother Knows Best: 5 Famous Moms in Pop-Culture

Mom always knows just the thing to make you feel better, she gives the world’s best hugs, and she always remembers – even 10 years later – your favorite comfort food (Teddy Grahams all day, every day)! Moms really are the best; we want to celebrate them all year long. Most importantly, however, we want to celebrate them this Mother’s Day! Give a big shout-out to the mom in your life ( whoever she may be: aunt, grandmother, or stepmom) because she’s your #1 fan and she would do anything for you (plus, you could have ended up with an evil witch for a mother instead).

Here are 5 famous moms from pop-culture – some good and some bad – none as awesome as your own mom.

1) Mean Girls: She’s a Cool Mom

Poor Mrs. George! She may be a little over-the-top, but we still think she’s a pretty cool mom. She’s definitely on the “I’m your friend, not your mom” train, but she’s also all about keeping an eye on her daughter and is embarrassingly active in Regina’s life – filming every milestone, photobombing every important event, and dancing along every chance she gets.

She may be trying a little too hard, but her heart is always in the right place and there is no doubt that she’s her daughter’s #1 fan. So, we hope Regina makes her day and tells her all about the “411”, the “hot gossip”, and the “cool jams” from the day.

2)  Mrs. Potts: Off to the Cupboard with You

Not only did Disney’s Beauty and the Beast remind audiences that love – or a tale as old as time – is always possible, but it also introduced one of Disney’s most endearing mothers: Mrs. Potts!

The enchanted teapot is not only a wonderful mother to the young cup, Chip, but she also mothers a grumpy beast, a lost bookworm, and an entire household of magical gadgets!

Mrs. Potts is the perfect mother and she keeps a smile on her face (oh wait, is that smile painted on?); she is always kind, patient, and the much-needed voice of reason in the castle. Still, I’m sure she’d appreciate some peace and quiet in the cupboard once in a while.

3)  Snow White’s Stepmother: Who is the Fairest Mother of All

Although Snow White acts like a mother to the 7 dwarves, – she does, after all, think the cottage belongs to 7 messy orphans – it’s her evil stepmother who wins the spot on our list of famous pop-culture moms.

Disney’s original villainess, the OG evil stepmother, and the scariest wicked witch of them all are rolled into one terrifying pop-culture mom, Grimhilde (even her name is scary)!

You may not always see eye to eye with your mother, but at least she isn’t sneaking poisonous apples into your lunch!


4)  The Incredibles: Your Mom is a Superhero

Pixar’s Elastigirl is like every superhero mom out there; she’s bending over backwards, saving lives, and fighting to make the world a better place for her kids.

Plus, she understands the importance of a family working together: every family is stronger as a team.

Thanks, Elastigirl! We hope you get to take a break from saving the world this Mother’s Day.


5)  Princess Leia – She Thinks You’re Short for a Stormtrooper

Okay, so maybe Kylo Ren ended up being kind of a jerk...but you can bet your lightsaber that it had nothing to do with Princess Leia's parenting; if your mom was Star Wars’ General Organa, you’d definitely be the luckiest kid in the galaxy.

Can you imagine Parent Teacher Day with Leia? It’s like, “this is my mom. She saves the world...a lot. Plus, she’s a general. Oh, and a politician! Plus, she has the force.”

Mic drop.

Your mom may not have made it on this list, but we all know that she’s #1 in your book.

Treat your mom this Mother’s Day to a glass of wine, a home-cooked dinner (or whatever you won't burn in the kitchen...mac and cheese?), and a Fifth Sun Tee to remind her just how much she means to you.

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