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WALL-E’s 10th Anniversary: Robots We Go Nuts (and Bolts) For

Who’d have known that a trash compacting robot could melt our hearts and win our undying devotion for generations to come? Disney Pixar did, that’s who! The beloved computer-animated film, WALL-E, landed on Earth 10 years ago and became one of our favorite movies and — most definitely — our favorite robot. And, now, our little robot is all grown up and celebrating his 10th birthday!

WALL-E is inviting all of his favorite people and robots to the party. In fact, WALL-E loves everyone so it’s going to be a real “Who’s Who” of the robot community! There will sure to be deliciously greasy food (no one wants to get rusty after all), techno beats, and awesome dance moves like the “robot” all night long!

Let’s see who made it on the guest list and who will be at the best robot party of the year:

1) Pizza Plants & Robots

We fell in love with Disney Pixar’s WALL-E because of his hard work, his self-sacrifice, and his giant heart. Whoever said robots didn’t have hearts obviously never met WALL-E. WALL-E spends centuries doggedly cleaning the abandoned polluted Earth and — in the process — becomes self-aware and learns to care for even the smallest creatures. You can’t help but be touched by the heartwarming story of friendship between the cockroach, Hal, and WALL-E. Only Pixar could make us love a cockroach.

Still, even more endearing than WALL-E’s friendship with Hal, is the way he protects the small plant he finds, and his eventual love for EVE. WALL-E is a heartwarming tale of redemption, love, and perseverance. No matter how lost the human race is, it is a reminder that we can be redeemed by a few good people (and robots) fighting for what is right in the world.

So, WALL-E is pretty darn excited to invite all of his friends like Eve, Hal, and Captain McCrea to his party! We’re hoping there’ll be pizza plants, too, because Captain McCrea seemed pretty excited about it when he said “You kids are gonna grow all kinds of plants! Vegetable plants, pizza plants.” Yes, please! Every party needs pizza.

2) On a Scale of 1 to 10, How Would You Rate Your Party?

Disney’s Big Hero 6 introduced audiences to one of the strangest and fattest robots they’d ever seen, the lovable Baymax! Baymax helps the young Hiro after he loses his brother in an explosion and is constantly trying to assess Hiro’s pain level in order to fix him. I think we all need someone like Baymax in our lives!

Baymax and Hiro team up with GoGo, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, and Fred to save the world. You just know that robots who save the world, like Baymax and WALL-E, are sure to be best friends! WALL-E sent out the party invites, and he can’t wait to hear how Baymax rates his birthday. It will be a 10 on the fun scale for sure!

3) These Are the Droids You Are Looking For

Star Wars introduced us to far off planets, strange aliens, and the best robots we could ever imagine.

Whether you were an R2-D2 fan or more of a 3-CPO admirer, Star Wars always had the best droids in the galaxy. In fact, R2-D2 can’t wait to go to WALL-E’s party and he admits, “Beep Boop Beep” which shows just how excited he is.

Even 3-CPO — who is usually a little bit of a worrier — is looking forward to enjoying some down time at the party with his favorite droids like K-2SO, BB-8, and L3-37.


4) Superhero + Robots = Best Party Ever

WALL-E loves to save the world so he is really excited to invite his friends and fellow heroes from the Marvel Universe.

WALL-E doesn’t discriminate either so humans, robots, and everyone somewhere in between  is invited! He’s especially excited to see Rocket Raccoon because he’s got a special place in his heart for a fellow-trash lover.

Ultron, Vision, Modok, and even Iron Man will be there to enjoy all the party favors too!

Why be a party animal when you can be a party robot instead?

All the robots are shining themselves, combing their imaginary robot hair, and picking out the best birthday present to give WALL-E this year!

Join the fun and grab a WALL-E shirt before you miss out on the fun for WALL-E’s 10th Anniversary bash!