May the Fourth: Day in the Life of an Ewok

May the Fourth: Day in the Life of an Ewok

A galaxy far, far away is getting ready for a big May the Fourth celebration. Everyone — whether they’re a rebel or a Stormtrooper from the Dark Side — is looking forward to letting loose on May the Fourth this year.

But… no one celebrates quite like the Ewoks. Those little guys sure know how to party.

In honor of Star Wars Day, or May the Fourth, let’s check out how the cutest (that’s right Porgs… them’s fighting words) Star Wars aliens are celebrating their special day.

Get ready to head out onto the Forest Moon of Endor for a day in the life of our favorite Ewok, Wicket Warrick.

1) Bowl Full of Treeios: Morning Routine

Despite all of the jokes about Ewoks waking up late (“ewok up too late”) the adorable Wicket is always up before the crack of dawn.

He’s especially adamant about getting an early start on May the Fourth because he wants to look his best for all of the festivities later in the night. That adorable teddy bear look doesn’t just happen without trying! Wicket will have to spend at least 45 minutes combing his hair (there is a lot of it…) while still trying to get that “I just woke up like this” style too.

Then, once Wicket has found that perfect fur-do, he’ll help himself to a cup of coffee and a hearty bowl of Treeios cereal. He’ll also be sure to head out from his tree house with time to spare to avoid all that heavy Ewok traffic out there (and if you’ve had an Ewok on a glider fall on you then you know they’re heavier than they look).

  2) No Need to Use Endor Voices in an Ewok’s Office: Work Day

It might seem easy to be an Ewok, but there is actually a lot of work that goes into it. It’s not just going on hikes or having picnics in the beautiful Forest Moon of Endor all day. Not only do the Ewoks have to make those fancy little hats they all wear, but they also have to spend their days hunting and gathering too.

Plus, they have to make all their own spears and gliders (all the tourists who visit Endor go crazy for that kind of artisanal handmade stuff) so that makes for a pretty busy day at the office, even on a holiday like May the Fourth.

Also, after those pesky Empire jerks moved in, Warrick and his fellow Ewoks have to spend their days planning to overthrow Darth Vader and save the world from the Death Star too. Thankfully, though, after Princess Leia, Han Solo, and Luke Skywalker arrived on the planet, the Ewoks finally got some reinforcements and can now take a little time to themselves to enjoy the holiday.

 3) We’d Love to Have You for Dinner: Let’s Eat

Let’s not forget that although Ewoks might look like adorable teddy bears, they’re still just bears. And bears don’t just eat Teddy Grahams or Teerios all day either.

So, since it’s May the Fourth, you know there’s going to be something — or someone — extra tasty for dinner. Thankfully, the Ewoks already tried (and failed) to eat Han Solo once, so there won’t be any Han Solo or anything “Chewie” on the menu this May the Fourth.

They were hoping to get their paws on a tasty Stormtrooper though. They love that Dark Side meat.

 4) Ewok & Roll All Night: Party Animals

May the Fourth is the kind of party that keeps everyone ewoking and rolling all night long. Ewoks might have little legs but, boy, can those legs move! You can be sure that there is going to be a dance party that goes all night long.

Plus, even though the Ewoks worship the “Great Tree” they are also pretty smitten with the golden droid 3-CPO too. And they are really excited about this May the Fourth because they’ve managed to get an RSVP from him. They may not think he’s a god anymore, but they’re still pretty excited about having him at their party!

And after everyone has partied all night long they’ll probably just fall asleep to a chorus of “Ewok’a Bye Baby on the Tree Top” around the campfire. Now that’s a party.

 If you’re not sure you’ll be able to join Wicket for Star Wars Day this year, at least visit Fifth Sun to find out what sort of festivities will be celebrated on May 4th! We hear it might be the sales (and droids) you’re looking for! Get a galactic style in time for May the Fourth with a Fifth Sun Star Wars t-shirt today! 

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